July 23

July Update


John Hays Prayer Letter: 500 Villages So Far in 2024!

God has blessed us with 500 villages so far in 2024—that’s 2½ villages a day! They have their drinking water treated for decades to come, and they have had the Living Water preached to them. There are many testimonies to come. Many salvations are being reported, along with new church plants.

Work is performed by our teams, national pastors, and missionaries. This is ongoing in these 14 countries: Solomon Islands, Pakistan, Brazil, Peru, Kenya, Congo, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Nigeria, Zambia, Guam, Morocco, Philippines, and Ghana.

A Few Testimonies from Around the World

The first comes from Liberia. A man had typhoid, which is a waterborne disease. It is worse than having the flu and is often terminal. Hospitals have nothing to treat it. The man heard about the Pure Water treatment machine and went to the Baptist church in Saclepea, Nimba County, Liberia. He drank treated water and got healed. The pastor of the church presented the Gospel to him and his wife, and they both got saved. Currently, they both are members of the Baptist church and are serving in that church.

I wanted to relay another story about the impact your donations are making. There was a mountain village near Monterey, Mexico, whose source of water was very dirty, as you can see in the picture below. One of our team members was collecting water to purify it. The village not only got a treatment system, the Khlor Gen 3000 that should last for decades, they also got the Living Water of Jesus Christ, and many got saved.

This last testimony comes from the Ivory Coast. There was a young boy who was very ill. His belly was full of worms from the very water he was drinking. His father took him to the doctors. The doctors could not treat the boy and told him to return home because he had a big belly full of worms. We were able to provide the village with a water-purification system. The boy was able to receive pure drinking water and get well, and now he will have pure water for many years to come. He and his parents were able to hear the message of the Gospel as well.

Thank you for your part in saving lives and sharing the Good News of Jesus.

His water boy,

John Hays


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