December 18

These Testimonies Never Grow Old


John Hays Prayer Letter: These Testimonies Never Grow Old

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)


In the photo on the right, we had just done a “chlorine and household hygiene” program that included some limited water-quality testing in one village. As you know, the amount of chlorine needed to dose water varies a little from well to well, and in any given well, seasonally too; but once you get the “rhythm” of it, you don’t need to test so often. After a program break, a LOT of folks brought water from their wells to test.

The program stirred up interest in a nearby village (see middle photo). The outcome of the regular presence of a Christian demonstrably attesting to God’s care for their health and giving testimony to the Lord Jesus, Who makes our spiritual hearts healthy when we apply the “treatment” of His sacrifice for our sins is seen in the top photo. Regular presence allows discipleship and discipleship allows evangelism. Together, they allow folks to become followers of Jesus who are then baptized, ultimately leading to church plants in village after village.

I don’t know if there’s a church in that second village yet, but there are at least two believers, and “For where two or three are gathered together in my name . . . .” While the time between the program and the baptisms was less than a month in this case, the pastor had been actively visiting, treating water, and discipling for some months before that. I think the program excitement and the Holy Spirit’s activity/flexibility just helped folks see God’s flexibility and care for them in THEIR circumstances. Nothing is too hard for him!

Blessings, Sir,

John Mikolaj


Thank you for praying for the Pure Water mission. Another 330 Hindus trusted Christ last week.


Please continue to pray as we distribute 50 more systems in the Congo. Thank you!


We are sending 200 systems to Pastor Ted Speer in Ghana.


We are constructing 2,000 Klor Gen units in Indiana and Iowa.

These testimonies are given to glorify Jesus. They never grow old.

His water boy,

John Hays


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