February 3

Trip to Liberia & Sierra Leone


My January 2022 missions trip into Liberia and Sierra Leone has left my heart full. I continue to be broken to do His will.  God’s hand and Spirit were powerful. His Word promised to give us wisdom and understanding during this missions trip, and God was faithful. James Helterbran and I joined Pastor George Menyon of Liberia. 

God has allowed me to create and manufacture water-purification systems for thousands of villages in 50 countries during these past 2 decades. It takes a team of us to make and distribute these systems, but more on that later. For the sake of this blog, I’ll write about the Liberian missions trip.

I sent 600 complete water systems last year to Liberia and Ghana, which will reach that many villages. Much work and testimonies have begun to come our way. I sent another 200 Khlor Gen Systems (water-purification systems) there for this trip.

We trained 41 pastors in Sierra Leone on how to use them. The training consists of treating dirty drinking water and training them on presenting the Gospel. We followed John 4—the story of the Samaritan woman at the well.

The woman at the well as found in John 4 was used in Liberia. We went to several village water holes and preached the Gospel. We demonstrated how to make their water safe to drink, and we gave out many systems.

I could stop there and say it was a great trip . . . but God took over though! Please be sure to watch the above video!

We found a region of 200 villages in Liberia. They had not heard of the Gospel or seen a missionary. Pure Water was out of money to reach them with the Gospel and water-purification systems. The villagers and I were shedding tears. Then God led First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, to donate the money to send exactly 200 complete systems! They did not know the need, nor that it was at the exact time I was saying “No” to the 200 unreached villages.

I returned home to the USA and sent 200 complete systems. I will return in April to assist Pastor Menyon to reach these villages, train 100 pastors on the Ivory Coast, and then return to Sierra Leone. My heart is full.

Pray that God’s will stay upon me and keep me broken till He completes in me His will. Pray that many will come to the Lord, for new church plants in the three countries, and that the people will be healed from waterborne diseases!

Trained Pastors receiving systems.

Village rejoicing over both physical water and the "Water of Life."


Africa, Missions Trip

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