John Hays Prayer Letter: We Serve a Mighty God!
We ended March with sending 310 complete water-treatment systems into Brazil (125), India (5), Congo (50), Pakistan (30), and the Philippines (101).
Because of your prayers and support, 310 villages heard THE LIVING WATER and now drink pure water. See this remarkable impact, starting in Pakistan.
God started 9 churches in Pakistan in March using the Khlor Gen 3000 system. Over 100 were saved, and 6 were baptized.
There were 167 pastors who received the Khlor Gen 3000 System in Ghana, Togo, and Benin. Mr. & Mrs. Aviah of Fishers Baptist Church in Fishers, Indiana (pictured on the right), reported that Mrs. Aviah’s brother in Benin received a Khlor Gen 3000 System. This is a small world; it really is. It shows how we can make a difference in Africa with just $100.
The second man in command of a Ukrainian military base saw a Pure Water machine, and he heard about the Living Water! We may have an open door to supply the Ukrainian army with clean water!
Pastor Donzoone in Burkina Faso got saved during the presentation of BOTH WATERS. He and 513 people confessed Jesus Christ alone for salvation. Another 178 chlorine generators were given to the needy.
A Minister of Health in Burkina Faso, a French-speaking country, confirms he will have safe drinking water for the first time in 20 years.
The Western Africa Project needs $50,000. The need is to send 500 more systems and the GOSPEL into Togo, Ghana, Benin, Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso in Western Africa ($100 per system).
His water boy,
John Hays