Hays Pure Water Prayer Letter: The Goodness of God
God is doing so many amazing things around the world, and I wish I could share every story with you! Here are just a few of the reports that have come in over the last few weeks.
God has been good to allow Pastor Siddique of Pakistan to see 70 Hindus trust Christ while presenting clean water and the Gospel in the desert area of the country. He also shared plans of a future church plant that will take place as a result of a previous Gospel/water presentation, where many trusted Christ. A young man has also started a Bible study and is hearing the call of God to pastor there.
God has also been good this year to allow Bro. Ted Speer’s teams in Ghana and Liberia to receive 1,000 water purifiers to connect with pastors and churches. These systems help the teams build trust and respect with church leaders in Ghana and Liberia, as well as Togo, Ivory Coast, Benin, Burkina Faso, and Sierra Leone. God has used this influence to allow the teams to teach the church leaders about important doctrines and discipleship. One pastor accepted Christ after the team showed him from the Bible that Christ alone is the only way to Heaven, not our good works, as was his belief. So far, 47 churches have been trained in using the water systems as an outreach tool for their ministries.
George Menyon has started another church in Liberia, Living Water Baptist Church. February 19 was their first service, and 22 were in attendance.
Thank you for your prayers for the ministry! Also, thank you for supporting these missionaries by giving them the tools needed to further the impact of the Gospel in their regions. We couldn’t do it without your help.
Some of our supporters have donated for specific people groups to receive clean water and the Gospel. If you would like to have part in or cover the cost of an entire shipment of purifiers to a specific region, please let us know.
His water boy,
John Hays

Pastor Siddique of Pakistan shared clean water and the Gospel in the desert area of Pakistan.

- Teams in Ghana and Liberia have received 1,000 water purifiers to connect pastors and churches.

Living Water Baptist Church in Liberia, was started by Pastor George Menyon.