March 5

God is Working!


God is working, and it’s wonderful to hear! It is truly, truly inspiring to see the impact that God is having on communities around the world. Clean water is essential for health and well-being, and it is heartwarming to hear how these efforts are making an eternal difference in people’s lives. Jesus’ work on the Cross still changes lives! See below these testimonies from Africa and Nepal:

2023 Update from Pastor Harris Rancy of Ghana

According to my assistant pastor, Bro. Dominic:

In Togo:

1. About 4,750 persons were saved through the Hays Pure Water ministry.
2. There were 2 new churches established.
3. About 1,730 persons were physically healed from different sicknesses.
4. We covered 437 villages in the Northwest and Southern parts of Togo.
5. We influenced 27 evangelists through the water ministry.
6. Dr. Ted Speer was able to train 105 pastors and church members from different churches about using the Hays Pure Water ministry to win souls.

In Benin:

1. About 1,180 persons received the Gospel and got saved through the ministry of different churches.
2. We covered 21 churches within the capital city.
3. We had 11 pastors get saved, and they now fellowship with the Baptist churches in the capital city.
4. About 350 persons were healed from their diseases and sicknesses.

In Burkina Faso:

1. About 977 persons received the Gospel and got saved last year.
2. We were able to give a chlorine generator to 54 churches.
3. According to them, 3 new churches were started. We have not yet reached all of the villages.

In Sierra Leone:

1. About 2,000 heard the Gospel through the Hays Pure Water ministry.
2. They started 1 new church, Pure Water Baptist Church, Pastor David Brooks, in the Northern part of the country.
3. They trained 18 young people in soul-winning programs.

I strongly believe that God is doing great things through these ministries in West Africa. There are more needs to reach the rest of these communities. Please continue to pray for us and the ministry at large. I am not yet able to give you the results from the rest of the countries. I hope to have Ghana and the Ivory Coast statistics for you soon.

February 26, 2024, Message from Missionary John in Nepal

Warm Greetings, Dear Family, Friends, and Neighbors,

Thank you for your partnership investments, which continually encourage us to, in like manner, give beyond ourselves. We praise God for you, for your faithfulness with what He has placed in your hands, and for the privilege of serving as the Lord Jesus’ hands together with you, making His love known to those we meet. Thank you!

I am “between outings” now, having returned to Kathmandu from a challenging, but mostly successful, two weeks of equipping, traveling, and having meetings. This week, along with rest, I’m preparing more Safe Water equipment sets for distribution next week. Following our placement of the equipment and training those who will be using it as a ministry platform to serve others in their community, we’ll be doing follow-up training visits with some of those whom we’ve similarly equipped in years past, and we hope to augment their E-ports by providing household hygiene and sanitation training to mixed groups of their neighbors.

Yours, in Christ Jesus’ love and grace,


It was in one of these mixed-group trainings four years ago that Urmila first heard of a personal God and One Who was deeply interested in her ultimate well-being. Her budding understanding of THIS God was quite different from the impersonal, universal-force God of her Buddhist tradition. She sought to learn more about the Lord Jesus, Whom her Christian neighbors assured her was the very picture of God’s care for her. Village social traditions prevent her from becoming a follower of Jesus before her husband, but he is not opposed to the Lord Jesus because of the changes in Urmila and their family. This is ultimately what we hope to see more of in the future.

Pure Water has a request for 10,000 water systems. Not one can be provided at this time. Please pray for funding and for all of God’s will to be fulfilled.

His water boy,

John Hays


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