January 18

January Prayer Update


What a wonderful end we had to 2023! We saw God’s hand of blessing on the water ministry. In all, we finished the year with 2,354 villages receiving water-treatment systems and the Gospel and a total of 30 new church plants. The water-treatment systems led to countless new believers in Christ and brought much improved health to all who received them. Daily reports still arrive.

This week, for example, Pakistan reported 185 new believers, and Liberia had 200 more. To God be all the glory! Villages are being transformed.

Clean water is flowing in over 2,354 communities, and transformation will quickly follow. Studies will be resumed. Health will be restored. Time will be reclaimed. Churches will be planted, and existing ones will grow. In each of these communities, extraordinary change is just around the corner, because where clean water flows, communities flourish.

This year has been special because God let us work in 21 countries: Ghana, Guatemala, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Pakistan, Honduras, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Syria, Turkey, the Philippines, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Brazil, India, Rwanda, Benin, Zimbabwe, Peru, Nepal, Malawi, and Panama.

In January 2023, we set the ambitious goal of installing a new director of Hays Pure Water, Bro. David Boyce. David and his wife Stephanie are traveling abroad, constructing systems, and humbly leading by God’s Word.

Thank you for your prayers and support. By God’s grace, we can go to the world and proclaim His redeeming love in 2024.

God’s water boy,

John Hays

Souls are being saved in Pakistan!

Souls are being saved!


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